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Media Arts
Media Arts: Artwork that depend on a technological component to function. Quotes: Design is in everything we make, but it’s also between those things. It’s a mix of craft, science, storytelling, propaganda, and philosophy. Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.
Assignment 1 (Poster)
Wednesday 11 April 2012, 01:47
First of all, here the information of assignment 1;
My patriotism poster concept is about national principles..
This is my process of doing the poster assignment;

I used Adobe Illustrator CS5.1
1. I put a flag to show a texture as a background.

2. Then, as a second layer, I use gradient tool to blend the color with
the flag background. I choose red color because the color is more suitable with the flag.

3. Before I put a sketch of National Monument as third layer,
I trace and delete the white background and save it as PNG.
Then, I adjust the position of photo to be balance.

4. I put a font that suitable with my concept. I used font Attic with 50pt.

5. To balance my poster design, I put Hibiscus photo.
I set the opacity to 70%. Then, I harmonize the position of the photo.

Computer Graphic Assignment 1; Final Poster

, 00:38
To me, patriotism is love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it.
As Malaysian, for me, patriotism is more to appreciate national principles.

Our nation is being dedicated to;
- Achieving a greater unity of people
- Maintaining a democratic way of life
- Creating a society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably shared
- Ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural tradition
- Build a progressive society which shall be oriented to modern science and technology

All Malaysian are guided by these principles;
- Belief in God
- Loyalty to king and country
- The supremacy of the constitution
- The rule of law
- Courtesy and morality


First Entry
Sunday 1 April 2012, 02:36
First entry! yayy!
This blog is for Lesson Computer Graphics 3, tutor by Madam Lydia..
Before I enter MMU, I really really don't know much about Adobe..
Fortunately, I learned it slowly, now I know little bit of it..
I'm not an expert, still in learning process,
I hope I can learn more knowledge of Adobe..
Madam Lydia, please guide me well :)

Okay, now I'll tell a bit about myself;
Name; Norkhairani Binti Ramli
Birthday; 21 November 1993
 Love; kpop and red stuff